Our Vision

emarso is acronym of “Real Estate Marketing Solutions”.
We are a proptech company with the vision and ambition to revolutionize real estate by taking leverage on technologies.
With more than a decades experience in Real Estate, Sales & Marketing for organizations of different sizes, local and international real estate brokerages, and after having generated over 100 000 leads and 500 Million USD worth of transactions for our clients, agents, and developers, we have identified the recurring pain points that agents, clients and more generally all stakeholders have to deal with real estate market.

Real Estate is multi trillions USD industry that offers exponential opportunities and at the heart of everybody life .

e are living in a world of opportunities and uncertainties, this contrast applies as well for the real estate industry. The real estate market is worth more than 217 trillion dollars globally and transaction value exceeds each year’s billions of dollars. But the way, most transactions are managed with a traditional way.
The fragmentation of the markets and disparities between countries that have regulated real estate industries and are dominated by big players and unregulated real estate countries with higher number of independents create a gap.
The mass adoption of technologies has radically changed customer behavior and is revolutionizing many industries and real estate will not escape it.
Faster, more accurate, more transparent but also more customer-centric, more personalized.
To be able to scale and raise you to have to start by raising your own standards and integrate those aspects in your proposal. This must be an entire part of your business.

Change or be changed
Take leverage on technology to develop a more human approach that can scale.

t Remarso, we believe that everybody must be the main actor in his life and must take all the resources at his disposal to give positive values to the world. This applies to a personal and professional level.
Remarso provides solutions for real estate professionals that will change their life for the best. Work more efficiently to save time and provide more value, be more engaged and connected with the clients, reach more people, closes more deals, and create a positive impact.

The Journey is Just the Beginning
Join the next world-leading real estate software today and change your life by being more successful