Real estate automation maybe some kind of phrase you don’t get to hear all the time and when you do, you might think that it is some kind of complex process requiring tedious work but, in fact, it is actually the opposite of that. Real estate automation is the reduction of doing manual work and optimizing your tools to do the work for you.

The Challenge

Automation could be done through various processes such as automated notifications and tasks for your staff, email workflows, and useful integrations of your tools to the business. In marketing, you do various repetitive things that in the long-run, may seem menial. But because of technology, everything just got a whole lot easier.


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There is no need to repeat basic marketing tasks every day but can leverage your time by automating your real estate business marketing. This will give you more time to focus on your bigger real estate goals and make better use of your limited time. From using the basics of communication to optimizing social media, automating your real estate marketing is a great way to expand your business.

Here are some real estate automation tools to help you:

Website chat

In business, we all have clients who require immediate feedback; offering a 24/7 website chat assistance would be a blessing to customers like this. This feature allows you to reach your clients quickly and efficiently to answer questions and is totally automated.

real estate automation
Chatbots help in increasing your responsiveness to your customers.

Some automated chat rooms, such as Zendesk and Chatbot, can enhance the appeal of your website. You get clients chatting using a chatbot and then can follow up personally with qualified leads.

Text messages

As we all know, the majority of people own a cell phone and use it constantly for various reasons. Sending text messages to your clients about potential properties is the most basic strategy in automation.

You may send text blasts about new opportunities in real estate to all your contacts and spreading the word as quickly as possible. Aside from this, you can schedule automatic text messages for any point in the future and send one-off or recurring messages.

Social media

Social media is where most of the business activity is happening on the internet; real estate marketing is no exception. Some of the best and most popular platforms to advertise your business include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Using social media is pretty easy, all you need to do is create an account and build your brand. Post videos and visual-heavy content for the best results. Some social channels have features that allow you to schedule your content posting so that even when you’re not online during that particular time, your account stays active and continues to share your real estate opportunities.

Email newsletters

Keep your contact list up to date with regular real estate opportunities through email newsletters to maintain a steady flow of communication. There are many tools that offer services such as templates and tips for your e-newsletter.

Direct mail

Another common strategy is creating a newsletter or postcard to mail out to your contacts. This can also be done through direct mail automation software. You are allowed to automate a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly newsletter or postcard. There are various tools to help you digitize your direct mail so it’s easier to measure results, something that has not traditionally been available for direct mail.

Company Blog Posts

Company blog posts come with many benefits. This is one easy way to keep clients informed on real estate updates and boost your company following. Establish a website, schedule posts and maximize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to reach clients in your area. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms you can use for this.

Real estate automation truly makes marketing easier to handle. For details about this, you can talk to Remarso!