One crucial part of real estate marketing is to make sure you can tap every audience in the market. While most agents focused on marketing to professionals and millennials, not so with empty nesters. Most agents have a hard time doing real estate marketing to empty nesters. How should we turn empty-nesters into opportunities? Here’s what you should do.
Real Estate Marketing to Empty Nesters
Downsizing is the Key
Since empty nesters don’t live with their kids anymore, most agents are having a hard time marketing their properties. Somehow it demotivated them to market a real estate since empty nesters don’t need it anymore. Oftentimes, what they need is a small, comfortable living space for themselves. In cases like this, downsizing is the key!

Instead of marketing a whole real estate, you may opt for small spaces like apartments and condos. Or maybe they’ll want a one-story single-detached house of their own. Downsized properties are usually the key for an effective real estate marketing to empty nesters. Make sure to state these awesome benefits they can get from downsizing:
Limited space reduces your housing expenses. Around 17% of American empty-nesters say they're confident to retire comfortably because their mortgages or rentals are greatly reduced.
Having a small space provides great confidence to aging people as it gives them mobility and accessibility.
Consider Their Hobbies, Passion, and Lifestyle
Since empty-nesters can focus on themselves now, it's important to consider their hobbies, passion, and interests. Determining their preferred lifestyle as they age is vital in doing real estate marketing to empty nesters. You need to determine their lifestyle to market the perfect listings for them.
For example, if your clients prefer to stay active, you can market apartments and condos with gym facilities our outdoor sports. If they prefer to shop and eat out, you can promote listings that are near the central business district. If your client prefers to live in a quiet place, you can market properties near the beach, mountains, or wherever they want.
Apply Some Personal Touch When Communicating with Clients
While online promotion the new normal for real estate marketing to empty nesters, don’t forget to put some personal touch here and there. You can keep in touch with them by updating via phone calls, emails, texts, and even have a meeting or two. As long as you follow the minimum health protocols, you can meet up with your client over a coffee. Take some time to get to know their story, their preference so that you can help them the best way you can.
Turn their Investments into Passive Income
Another effective real estate marketing to empty nesters is transforming their investments into passive income. Since most empty nesters don’t need to live in a big, spacious house anymore, you can encourage them to transform it into a passive income. They can always put their former home up for sale or have it rented in favor of limited space.
In this way, not only your clients can live in their new limited space during retirement, but they’ll also earn money in the process. They don’t need to work actively just to earn more money. Most empty nesters can now fully enjoy life during their golden age.
Want to start working on your campaigns to do real estate marketing to empty nesters? Contact our professional real estate marketers now!